Where is the future of Professional Photography Headed and Is it Dead?
In our last blog post we discussed preserving images for generations to come, we looked at how in 2015 the world’s population would take 1 trillion photos. However, InfoTrends estimates that over 1.1 trillion photos will be taken this year, up 11%. They also estimate that 47 billion photo prints will be produced worldwide in 2016. The top three reasons for printing photos are to display photos in the home, to give to others as gifts, and to put in photo albums. For more information, check out InfoTrends article Fun Facts About the Photography Market.
With so many prints being produced it bodes the question, where is the industry headed for the professional photographer?
For an interesting read that got this blog post going, check out Paul Choy’s article on Is Photography Dead?
We believe photography is far from dead but digital has forever changed our landscape and has allowed for millions of people to explore a new way of capturing special moments. With most cell phones and tablets having cameras in them it has changed how people take and view pictures. Many people are ok with an imperfect camera phone picture that captures a moment. Most have forgotten what a glossy print from a professional photographer with proper lighting and posing looks like. DSLR’s even allow for the amateur to become a semi-professional, with the mode set to automatic. These advancements now allow anyone to achieve results once limited to the elite. Because technology has brought down many barriers to enter the professional photographic arena professionals can gain advantages by using proper lighting and posing that amateurs can’t learn by a few how to online videos. Correct lighting provides, contrast, interest and pop to the photo. Removing aberrations keeps your eye on the image you are trying to capture. Professionals can digitally style the photo prior to sending on to the consumer for review, this allows for the photo to have the color, contrast and exposure enhanced.
But in the end how do professionals succeed?
Now many photographers teach classes, write books, and create online videos, on top of running studios. Gone are the days of just offering your services and sitting back for the next senior or wedding. To survive photographers must be proactive and learn to adapt and offer unique products. One adaptation often missed is stressing the importance of professionals spending time educating their customers on the value of having their print produced into a tangible object. There are many beautiful products now available that could be honored future heirlooms. With the digital age there is a danger of just having digital copies of pictures, held on a computer or mobile device. These priceless moments can easily be erased by accident, malicious viruses, and even technological obsolescence.
Instead of just providing consumers with digital files, provide them with tangible products. Many customers have forgotten or have never experienced how it feels to hold an actual mounted print in their hands. A modern wood frame, or a sleek mounted print helps remind consumers photos aren’t just meant to be stored on the cloud or in your phone, but to be showcased around their home or office and they provide memories for a lifetime. At Pacific Mount, we provide quality, proven mounting products such as our wall mounts that will help preserve costumer images, wall mounts come with a peel and stick top and predrilled holes in the back for easy hanging. Our Products are a simple way to add value for the professional photographer they also provide reminders to your customers of where to go for future captured moments.